Hey Balanced Life Family,
Have you ever felt a sensation of fullness in your stomach that wasn’t because you had overeaten? It feels like your stomach is stretched tight like an inflated balloon. Well, that’s what bloating feels like.
Now, before you blame that extra slice of pizza, let’s talk about the real culprits. Everyone’s digestive system is different, what bothers one might not bother another. But here are some foods to consider that may cause bloating issues for you.
Consider your “dairy delights” like milk, cheese, and ice cream. Sadly, for some, they come with bloating. The good news is that lactose-free options exist.
Beans, lentils, almonds, and whole grains are packed with nutrients and well… gas. Who knew such wholesome things could be so mischievous?
Then we have our fruity offenders: apples, pears, berries, and grapes which are some of my favorites. Who would guess that such a sweet snack could cause such drama?
Next, you have your carbonated chaos. If your go-to drink bubbles it might be the culprit. Soda, sparkling water, or anything fizzy can leave you bloated. Love the fizz? This may help. When you’re drinking, start slowly, (don’t gulp it down) so your system doesn’t throw a tantrum. You may see a difference.
Now, I really like broccoli, brussels sprouts, turnip and mustard greens. They are all super healthy. They’re like overachievers in the vegetable world, but they’re also bloating instigators.
Most of these foods are good for us. But many healthy foods can cause bloating, belching, and gas. Should we stop eating them? Absolutely not! So, what can we do? If you find belly bloating is a problem for you, keep track of what you eat to get to the source of it and go lightly on those foods. Drink plenty of water and get moving (exercise helps), and if all else fails there are remedies out there. Just don’t forget to check with your doctor before trying anything new.
Remember, bloating happens to the best of us. With a little patience and detective work, you can keep your tummy and that inflated balloon feeling under control.
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