
Happy New Year Balanced Life Family!

When the New Year comes in a lot of people like to make resolutions. But oftentimes they are unable to remain committed to the resolution. God wants us to commit our lives to him. He is the giver and sustainer of life. He gives us free will to make choices, but he wants us to choose him. He wants us to commit our lives to him. The dictionary defines commitment as being dedicated. Being in a long-term relationship.

When we commit to making Jesus our choice, we must realize that this isn’t a temporary relationship. This is a long-term, life-changing, till-death-do-you-part relationship. God loved us before we committed to making him our choice, way before we knew about him, and even before he created the foundation of the world.

“Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.” Psalm 37:5 This scripture simply means if we commit and trust God, he will help us. God will help us because he doesn’t want us to fail.

Problems arise in life. Difficult circumstances occur. We are faced with disappointments. But if our lives are committed to God, he’ll give us the strength to make it and we’ll never give up this Christian journey and our commitment to God. We know that “If we suffer, we shall also reign with him:” Galatians 2:12

Yes, Christians suffer some hard things, but please understand the life of a committed Christian is not all suffering. God gives us many good times, many victories, joy abundantly, and a peaceful life. We know that whatever we are faced with we don’t face it alone. God is with us and he has promised to never leave us or forsake us. Hallelujah!

If you haven’t committed your life to God, what are you waiting for? He’s someone you can always depend on. He never fails because there’s nothing he can’t do. And that’s good news!

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