
Hi Balanced Life Readers,

To those of you who drive a car, you know that on the road there are many distractions. When driving we have a destination that we want to get to however there are so many things that compete for our attention on the way there. People on the street, other vehicles, billboard signs, traffic signals, the radio, our cell phones, and perhaps kids in the back seat, have probably competed for our attention at some time or another.

On this Christian journey, we have a destination. We want to make it to our heavenly home, but there are so many distractions on the way. Satan and his demons work hard to distract us. The Bible tells us to “Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee.” Proverbs 4:25 That’s how we defeat distractions.

Satan tries everything he can to distract us from God’s ways and lead us into sin. The Bible tells us “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” Colossians 3:2 Satan uses temptations. He knew us before we got saved. He knows what appeals to our flesh. He knows how we used to act in certain situations, and he’ll try to use these things against us. “But we know if God be for us who and be against us?” Romans 8:31

We also have to realize that all distractions aren’t evil. We get distracted by the busyness of life, problems in life, and even no-harm social events in life. What is important is that we are aware of these distractions, and not allow them to hinder our walk with God.

Never get too busy to read and study your Bible and develop an active prayer life. Don’t let the devil throw distractions in your way that will make you think that attending Sunday services and weekly Bible studies aren’t important. Don’t be distracted or influenced by the way the world defines a Christian. Worldly Christians can do whatever they want as long as they profess to believe in God. Instead, let the light of Christ shine out through your everyday life, and don’t let distractions cause you to miss your heavenly destination.


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