Why Wear A Seat Belt?

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Hi Balanced Life Family,

When I was a kid, I didn’t have to wear a seat belt. I can remember riding in the back of a car on my knees looking out of the back window. I remember riding in a crowded car on somebody’s lap. We didn’t know anything about seat belts.

Today when I get in a car, buckling up my seat belt is second nature to me, however there are still some people who don’t think it’s necessary.

Not only is it important to wear a seat belt, it’s important to wear it correctly. The shoulder belt should go over your shoulder, not under your arm, and it should be snug to your body. If the shoulder belt is worn incorrectly and you are in an accident, it could crush your ribs or injure your internal organs. The lap belt should be worn nice and low over your hips, not across your stomach.

Seatbelts save lives. This is a fact that has been proven through countless studies and research. Seatbelts keep you from being thrown through the windshield or out of the car during the impact of a crash.

My children we raised wearing seatbelts. My car wasn’t going anywhere until everybody was buckled in. When my oldest son became an adult, he no longer felt a need to buckle up. While riding with his friends, he was in a horrible car accident. Nope, he wasn’t wearing seatbelts. He was thrown completely out of the car and onto the expressway. He could have lost his life. He was hospitalized and suffered severe injuries and almost unbearable pain. Recovery took a lot of time and therapy. Only because of God’s grace and mercy, was he able to survive and recover, but many people aren’t so fortunate.

I’ve witnessed cars passing by with little ones standing up in the back seat. What are these adults thinking? How dangerous is that? Please don't ever let anything like that happen on your watch.

When you get in a vehicle remember your seat belts and don’t forget to buckle up the little ones. Why? Because it’s the law and it could possibly save your life. So …” BUCKLE UP!”

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