How to Develop a New Healthy Habit

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Greetings Balanced Life Family,

Have you ever started an exercise program or maybe a new diet but didn’t stick with it? If so, you’re not alone. You started out with really good intentions that lasted for a while, but then your enthusiasm and willpower began to dwindle and you failed to follow through. Could it be that you used the wrong approach?

Here are a few suggestions that will help you develop a new healthy habit:

Set small goals. Setting big goals is exciting, but by setting small goals you’re more likely to follow through. If you want to exercise, try taking a 15 min walk daily. If you want to change your eating habits, try replacing one of your regular snacks with a healthy one. If you want to learn to meditate, start meditating for about 10 minutes daily. Always start small.

Do it early. If you’re going to exercise or meditate, do it early. Do it before you get too busy with your day and before you get too tired. Do it while you’re fresh and before you forget about it.

Prepare yourself. If you’re going to meditate, have a quiet spot designated. If you’re going to eat a healthy snack, be sure that when you did your shopping you bought a supply. If you’re going to exercise (walk) have comfortable shoes and proper attire.

Make it convenient. If it’s too inconvenient, you’ll talk yourself out of doing it. For meditation, choose a time when you won’t be distracted.  For exercising, lay out your clothes the night before. And have your healthy snack prepared and waiting.

Make it fun. If you don’t enjoy doing something, you’ll never stick with it. Now, meditation isn’t meant to be fun, but it can be pleasant. So be sure your meditation spot is clean and comfortable. If you’re walking, get a good friend to walk with you. Be sure your healthy snack tastes good.

Keep a record. You can keep a diary or use a calendar but be sure to keep track of every time you practice your new habit and try not to skip any days.

You may have other healthy habits that you want to develop, but these steps can help you with them. Set small goals. Do it early. Be prepared. Make it convenient. Make it fun. And keep a record as you develop your new healthy habit.