

Greetings Balanced Life Family,

Have you ever wanted something, and then witnessed someone else get it instead of you? Were you happy for them, or did you have feelings of disappointment, which led to jealousy and anger? Did you feel like you should have gotten it and they didn’t deserve it? Well, if you did, you should know that those feelings come from a covetous spirit.

Covetousness is a greedy spirit and it’s ungodly. And as long as you possess it, you’ll never be satisfied or have peace in your life.

The correct response is to be happy for that individual and wait patiently on God to bless you. God knows what is best for you. He knows when you’re ready for increase and elevation. Learn to put yourself in the will of God and ask him to make you content.

Realize this, when you belong to God and you’re living in his will, any opportunity for increase or elevation that passes you by, (no matter how bad you wanted it) was not meant for you and would not have served your best interest. Psalms 84:11 “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly.”

Your father is rich! He owns and controls everything. “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”  Hebrews 13:3  

Yes, strive for excellence! Yes, work to improve yourself! But, while doing this sisters, be grateful for what you have and trust God for what you want.  NEVER give place to COVETOUSNESS!

Just something to think about and share with others. Blessings to you and thank you for taking time to read a blog from Balanced Living, Body & Spirit.