Should We Return to Church? (Post Pandemic Closing)

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Greetings Balanced Life Family,

We’ve been through a lot, as it relates to the pandemic caused by Covid-19. It has affected everyone’s life. It has affected our personal, professional, social and spiritual lives. Let’s focus on how it has affected our spiritual lives.

Many of us were accustomed to going to church on Sundays and during the week for Bible study. We looked forward to worshiping with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We looked forward to hearing the melodious voices of the choir, and hearing an inspiring message out of the Word of God from our Pastor. And then, it all changed. The doors of the church were closed.

Many of our church leaders were forced to become creative and present us with online services. We were able to view church services in our own homes. WOW! This meant that we didn’t have to get dressed for church. We could eat a sandwich during service. We could multi-tasks during service. We could sit in a recliner while viewing and be so relaxed, that we could fall asleep completely. Who would know? Or we could just skip the service. Who would know?

To those who sat at home and paid close attention to the service, may I ask you a question? Was it the same as being there in person? I can’t answer for you, but I’ll answer for myself. “ABSOLUTELY NOT!” Yes, it was better than no service at all. No, it was not the same. Too many distractions, too much freedom and no fellowship.

The scripture says in Hebrews 10:25 “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” This means that God wants us to go to church and fellowship with one another. We should encourage one another as the day of Jesus Christ is approaching. Forsaking fellowship gives place to discouragement among the body of Christ. The idea of staying away from church, now that the church has reopened, is a trick of the devil.

Use wisdom! Wear your mask, keep your distance, keep your hands clean, and please know that immunization is available to you. The church has reopened. “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.” Psalm 122:1 GO BACK TO CHURCH! Selah!



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