Bad Habits That Damage Your Eyes

Hello Balanced Life Family,

Your eyes are precious and you should value your vision. Here are some habits that are harmful to your eyes.

One bad habit is staring at a phone screen, computer, or TV without giving your eyes a break. This can cause chronic dry eye and disrupt your sleep patterns. According to an article in the “AARP Webletter”, we’re supposed to blink once every 4 seconds. When we’re looking at a screen, we only blink about once every 8 to 10 seconds. Blinking keeps our eyes lubricated. You need a 20-second screen break about every 20 minutes. This helps prevent eye strain.

We usually think of wearing sunglasses in the summer, but not in the winter. That’s another bad habit. Ultraviolet rays can wreak havoc on your eyes, causing damage to the surface tissues of the eye. This can happen any time of the year. You can also develop a sunburn on your eyes, which can be extremely painful. And remember to check the tag on your sunglasses to make sure they provide 100% UV protection.

Some of you wear contact lenses. Never sleep in your lenses. I know, sometimes you just feel too tired to remove them. If you fail to remove them often, it becomes a bad habit. Bacteria and other debris get trapped between your contact lens and the cornea of your eye. This can cause an infection that may lead to loss of vision.  

Here's one for the ladies. Every once in a while, it’s ok to fall asleep with eye makeup on, but it’s a bad habit to do it regularly. You raise the risk of eye infection in the form of a stye, or a painful lump that grows either from the base of your eyelash or under the eyelid.

These are just a few tips to make you aware of bad habits that can do damage to your eyes. Please remember your eyes are precious. Value your vision. It’s a gift from God.


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