Never Give Up!

Hello Balanced Life Family,

So many of us have loved ones that we are praying for. We want to see a change in their lives. It may be a child whose lifestyle is ungodly, a spouse who is hard to get along with, a friend who has an addiction, or it may be something else. Whatever the problem, I want to encourage you to never give up on them. Keep loving them and praying for them without supporting the wrong that they do. The scripture tells us to   “Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thess. 5:17

You may have been praying, hoping, and fasting for a long time, but never give up. I know sometimes it may seem like a hopeless situation, but God answers prayer. Here’s the thing that discourages so many people. God has his own time frame and you don’t know what it is. You may think this is a “right now” problem, but God knows the process that has to take place. Have faith! Trust God! Never give up!

You may feel like it’ll take a miracle to change him or her. Well, God specializes in miracles. Jesus said in Matthew 19:26 “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Read the story of Saul in the Bible, who persecuted the Church. Nobody thought he’d change, but God miraculously changed his life and used him to write almost half of the New Testament. (He wrote 13 books of the Bible.) His change came in Acts 9:1-6.

Your loved ones need your prayers. They may not be able to pray for themselves. They need you to never give up on them because God is faithful, and he answers prayer. It may have been a long time. You may be tired. It may seem impossible, but your miracle may be closer than you think. NEVER give up!

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