Partial Obedience

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Greetings Balanced Life Readers,

There’s a story in the Bible of a man named Samuel, who gave instructions to a king named Saul. The instructions came straight from God and were very specific. The king carried out most of the instructions, but not all of them. He allowed his own reasoning to alter his actions. He reasoned that his way would be better because he’d be doing a good deed, so he partially obeyed.

I’m asking you. Does partial obedience count as obedience? Do we get at least some credit for partially obeying? Samuel told King Saul, in 1 Samuel 15:22 “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice” If we offer a sacrifice out of disobedience, the sacrifice is tainted and God won’t accept it. No, we don’t get credit for partially obeying. Partial obedience is COMPLETE DISOBEDIENCE. If you read that scripture, you’ll see that God punished Saul greatly for his partial obedience.

The Bible is written for our learning. What do we learn from this? We learn to obey is better than any sacrifice or good deed we can offer. As we read, study and are taught the Word of God, we are required to obey the things we learn. God’s Word speaks to us and we can’t pick and choose which parts we want to obey.

It doesn’t matter how much money we give, work we do around the church, how many services we make, songs we sing, prayers we pray or even how much of the Word we teach or preach. These are all good deeds, but if we don’t obey, these deeds are tainted and it’s all in vain.

“Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession” Exodus 19:5

Obedience to God has a great reward, but we’ll never receive it through “PARTIAL OBEDIENCE”.

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Value Your Vision

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Hi Balanced Life Family,

Being able to see is a gift from God. So many people are born without vision. Others lose their vision some time during their life. Those of us that have sight should value it and protect it. I’m going to give you a few tips that will help you to protect your vision.

You may not realize it, but eating certain foods can help preserve your vision. Foods like spinach, kale, collards (any leafy greens), tuna, salmon, (oily fish), nuts, beans (non-meat proteins), and citrus fruits are all good for your eyes.

If you are a smoker you need to quit. Smoking makes you more likely to get cataracts. Smoking can also cause damage to your optic nerve. Not to mention all of the other health hazards smoking causes.

Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from ultra- violet rays. Choose a pair that block 99 to 100% protection from rays. Don’t forget, you need sun glasses even during the winter months.

Another thing to remember is to look away from your computer or cell phone screen. Staring at a computer or cell phone screen too long can cause eyestrain, blurred vision, headache, trouble focusing at a distance and dry eye.

And finally, be sure to get an eye exam every one or two years just to be sure that your eyes stay healthy. So remember God has given you the gift of sight. VALUE YOUR VISION!

New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.



Living Holy When Church Doors Close

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Balanced Life Family,

We’re living in some unprecedented times. We’re in uncharted territory. Who would’ve imagined that the time would come when we, who love God, and love attending church, wouldn’t be able to go? Not because we’re sick, had no transportation, or nothing to wear, but because churches were closed. WOW! Well the time came and even though churches are partially opened now, most of us still can’t attend whenever we want. And we don’t know how long this will last.

I’ve decided that whether church doors are opened or closed, I’m going to live holy. I can’t depend on a building to be my only place of worship. The scripture says “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” 1 Cor. 3:16  We as Christians, have to decide how we want to live.  I’ve decided to use the years of bible teaching and instruction that I’ve already received to help get me through.

From March until the present no one can say they really didn’t have any time for God. God had allowed the entire world to slow down. Everybody’s schedule was cleared. God provided time for those who were so busy with life to read the Word, study the Word, pray, or just seek a closer walk with him.

Thank God for technology! I’ve been able to be taught virtually. I’ve also been able to read, study, and research the Word of God on my computer, laptop, iPad, and iPhone. And yes, I’ve prayed and reached the throne of grace in my own home. I’ve have time to do it and I believe you have too. These things I did before Covid-19, but now I have even more time to devote to them. No excuses!

The Covid-19 era is not over yet. If you haven’t taken advantage of the extra time you’ve been given, I advise you to do so. You’ll find peace even in these uncertain times. Philippians 4:7 tells us that… “the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

I’ve said it before. Time spent with God is always time well spent. Living holy is a lifestyle that I love. I haven’t reached perfection, but I’m certainly striving for it. God is the same all-powerful, all-mighty, omnipotent, omnipresent God outside of the church building that he is inside. He doesn’t change. I want to be like him. I’m determined to live holy, even when church doors are closed.

New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.





The Effects of Prolonged Sitting

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Balanced Life Family,

I’ve been researching the effects of prolonged sitting and I found some surprising information that caused me to make some changes in my daily routine. I’m sharing this information with you because you may want to make a few changes as well.

Sitting is a part of life, yes. But we’re sitting so much these days, and it’s catching up with us. Spending too much time sitting can have harmful side effects.

Prolonged sitting can lead to tight muscles and bad posture, which can lead to back pain. Too much time spent sitting, is also associate with DVT (deep vein thrombosis) and yes the obvious, weight gain.

I find that even though I work out regularly, I spend a considerable amount of time sitting down. Whether I’m at the table eating, working at my desk, reading, watching TV on the couch, driving in my car, or quietly meditating, you name it, I’m sitting and you probably are too.

A research study showed that those of us that exercise spend just as much time sitting down as inactive people do. A publication in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that prolonged sitting, regardless of exercise, is associated with an increased risk of mortality, heart disease, cancer, and Type 2 diabetes. WHAT??? Now that’s a rude awakening!

So is there any way to counteract the ill effects of prolonged sitting or are we just doomed? The good news is that there’s a way. No, we aren’t doomed.

Our bodies are designed to move, and even small amounts of light activity can be beneficial. Basically, the more we move the less risk sitting poses to our health. So I’ve decided to work more movement into my day. While at work I’m standing up about every half hour to stretch, touch my toes or walk around the office. It’s not necessary to do a full blown workout during your work day, but just get up and move around a bit. Even when I’m watching TV, I’ll get up and move around during a commercial or whenever I notice I’ve been sitting for at least a half an hour.

These are simple little changes that you and I can easily incorporate into our day to help prevent the negative effects of prolonged sitting and keep us on the road to good health. That’s something we should all be striving for. I’m hoping that this information was helpful to you and remember to keep movin!

A CHALLENGE: I’m challenging every reader of the Balanced Life Family to think back over blogs you have read and tell me which one has been most helpful to you. I’m looking for responses from each one of you. Please don’t let me down. If you have trouble recalling one, go to the website and refresh your memory.  Can’t wait to hear from you!

New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.



Seek God Early

Dear Family,The scripture tells me in Proverbs 8:17 . . . “I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.” When I think of this scripture, I immediately think of applying it to my prayer life. I love to seek God’s presence, gu…

Dear Balanced Life Family,

The scripture tells me in Proverbs 8:17 . . . “I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.” When I think of this scripture, I immediately think of applying it to my prayer life. I love to seek God’s presence, guidance, direction, and protection early in the morning before I start my day.

When I rise in the morning, I never know what the day holds for me but I know who holds the day. I know who is totally in control. It’s God! This is why I dare not be about the business of my day without acknowledging God first. I am aware that Proverbs 3:6 tells me “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” I am not smart enough, strong enough or wise enough to approach the day, in a godly way on my own.

I know that if I seek God, he’ll meet me and give me everything I need to make it through the day according to his will. I love him so much! When I seek God, I invite him to take over my entire life on a daily basis. I invite him into my thoughts, relationships, emotions, interactions, conversations, decision making, work ethics. . . everything. Doing this doesn’t make me feel restrained. It puts me in the will of God, which frees me. It fills me with joy, peace and contentment.

I have a prayer room at home that I go to early in the mornings to be with God. I am well aware that the devil hates to see me headed that way. I find that if I wait until later in the day to spend time with God, I get so busy doing one thing after another and I totally forget to do it until a portion of the day has passed. I believe getting busy like that is a trick of the devil, which is why I choose to seek God early. When I wait until later I have so many thoughts and plans for the day cluttering mind, it makes it difficult for me to focus. Don’t let the devil fool you. It’s best to put God first, seek him early and let him direct your day.

New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.



Summer Foods That Boost Weight Loss

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Hey Family Members,

Summer has been here for a while. The heat is on! I hear some of you have been working hard to achieve weight loss and you want to eat the right things. Well, I’ve got good news for you. Did you know that there are delicious summer foods that can nourish your body and boost weight loss at the same time?

Sweet juicy berries… blueberries, strawberries, blackberries or raspberries… whatever kind you like. These are summer fruits that contain important nutrients and are low in calories and high in fiber. Fiber makes you feel full longer and makes you less tempted to snack.

Watermelons…yum yummy! They’re ninety-two percent water and they fill you up without filling you out. They’re loaded with antioxidants. They boost your micronutrients, while keeping you hydrated. What a refreshing summer treat! Wash ‘em off! Slice ‘em down! Serve ‘em up!

Zucchini is one of the most versatile vegetables. You can put it on the grill, place it in the air fryer or stir fry it in a little olive oil on top of the stove. Zucchini has a mild flavor, but can take on whatever seasoning you decide to add, to make it a savory side dish. I love it! It’s low in calories and rich in potassium, vitamins A, C and calcium.

Mouthwatering pineapples… a summer treat! They are rich in vitamin C and potassium. The pineapple core is edible too. It is a rich source of fiber and keeps your digestive system healthy and has anti-inflammatory properties. Pineapples have more sugar than other fruits and can satisfy your sweet tooth. So be sure to enjoy them in moderation.

Cravin something else that’s sweet? How about one of summer’s finest fruits, the peach? It’s low in calories and rich in vitamin C and potassium too. The antioxidant beta-carotene gives peaches their golden color and is changed by the body into vitamin A, which promotes eye health.

OMG! What about grilled kebabs? Yessss! Lean proteins like chicken and other poultry, fish, beef and lamb are excellent for weight loss because they are loaded with amino acids, which help to maintain lean muscle and reduce body fat. Fire up the grill and enjoy skewers loaded with lean meats, veggies and even fruits. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

These are just a few ideas to balance out your summer eating habits and give your weight loss program a boost. Remember, there are delicious foods that will nourish your body and help you lose weight at the same time. Enjoy!

When God Says No!

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Dear Balanced Life Family,

Have you ever prayed for something and it didn’t happen? God said NO! God knows what is best for you because he has infinite wisdom. He understands you better than you understand yourself. Will God’s will always be what you want? Absolutely not! But, what you want is not always what’s best for you.

You know that God loves you. You know by faith that God is real. You know that he hears you when you pray. So . . . what do you do when you pray for something that you really want, and it doesn’t happen, because God said NO?

The first thing your flesh wants to say is “I know this can’t be God.” “Satan . . . the Lord rebuke you!” But deep down inside you know that it’s God. That’s when you have to put yourself in the will of God, because that’s the best place to be. Surrender to the perfect will of God, knowing that even this will work out for your good, because … "we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Face it! God is not going to say yes to every request you make. So you must ask for wisdom, to recognize his will, and grace to accept it. The answer NO isn’t a bad thing. When it comes from God, it’s actually a blessing in disguise. He has a great plan for your life. The scripture says in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." Trust God! Submit to his will! Even WHEN GOD SAYS NO!

Why Do I Always Feel Hungry?

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Hey Family,

Are you someone who seems to feel hungry all the time? Do you find yourself gazing into the refrigerator or the pantry just wondering what you can eat? Well, if you are there’s a reason for that.

One reason may be that you don’t eat enough protein and fiber rich foods. Carbohydrates will provide quick energy, but protein and fiber help you sustain that energy. They fill you up and leave you feeling satisfied.

Some of you feel hungry because you do distracted eating. When you eat, you should sit down and pay attention to what you’re eating. Make it an enjoyable experience. You shouldn’t be staring at the TV, reading, or doing something on your phone. Distracted eating will cause you to finish your food and hardly remember eating it, which may cause you to soon crave more.

Then there are those of you who simply eat too fast. Slow down! Eating too fast makes you feel like the meal is over too soon, and then you want more. Did you know that it takes about twenty minutes for the brain to send out signals that the stomach is satisfied? Most people’s meals don’t even last that long!

There’s another group called the “Stress Eaters”. Stress Eaters aren’t eating because they’re hungry. They eat because they are upset, nervous, worried, excited, afraid or because of some other emotional reason. All of these emotions cause stress and can cause you to eat when you aren’t really hungry.

Did you know that sleep plays a significant role in regulating hormones which can affect your eating habits? There is a hormone called ghrelin, (known as the “hunger hormone”) which stimulates the appetite and makes you feel hungry. When you don’t get enough sleep, elevated levels of ghrelin are released. This causes you to crave food, especially sugary foods.

So you see, there are a number of reasons why some people always feel hungry. If you identify with any of these scenarios, I want you to know that it’s not just in your head. There is a reason for it and now maybe you know how to control it. If this doesn’t apply to you maybe you know someone who could benefit from this information. Please feel free to share.

Family, give me some feedback and let me know what you think.



Time Well Spent

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Greetings Family,

Being sheltered and in place has given some of us a lot of spare time that we didn’t have before. Time is precious. It seems that time passes by so quickly. Days, weeks, months and years fly pass before you know it. And once they’re gone, you can never get them back.

You spend your days doing many things. Some things are profitable, others are simply a waste of time. Some things are planned, others are unexpected. But it is true that you make time for things that you really want to do.

Family, I know that some of you already have a close relationship with God, but for those of you that don’t, if you want one, you need to make time for him. Making time for God is the only way you can develop a personal relationship with him. He already knows you, but you have to get to know him. You’ll never develop a personal relationship with God by simply attending your local church or viewing it virtually on Sundays. Yes, that’s important but what are you doing all week long?

You must spend time in prayer. How can you call God your father and you don’t spend time talking to him? The scripture tells us that “men ought always to pray, and not faint;” Luke 18:1  Not faint means not get tired. It’s time well spent.

You’ve got to spend time reading your bible and meditating on the things that you read. I know, some of you say “I’ve tried, but I keep falling asleep.” Sometimes that’s because you’re putting everything else that you wanted to do before your time with God, at that point you’re too tired and sleepy. There are also times when the devil will send a spirit of sleepiness to hinder you. You know the devil doesn’t want you reading your bible or meditating on what you’ve read. But you can’t let the enemy defeat you. Keep trying! Don’t give up! “Resist the devil and he will   flee from you.”  James 4:7  Time with God is never time wasted, it’s time well spent.

Finally, you must spend time in worship. Worship him because he is the creator of all. There is none like him, none above him, none beside him. He is God! To worship God you must get in the spirit. “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and truth.”       John 4:24

So be mindful to make time for God. Pray, read your bible, meditate and worship God, because time is precious. Once it passes you never get it back and time with God is TIME WELL SPENT!

Please send me comments to let me know your feelings regarding this blog. I will reply to let you know that I have received them. Blessings!

How to Develop a New Healthy Habit

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Greetings Balanced Life Family,

Have you ever started an exercise program or maybe a new diet but didn’t stick with it? If so, you’re not alone. You started out with really good intentions that lasted for a while, but then your enthusiasm and willpower began to dwindle and you failed to follow through. Could it be that you used the wrong approach?

Here are a few suggestions that will help you develop a new healthy habit:

Set small goals. Setting big goals is exciting, but by setting small goals you’re more likely to follow through. If you want to exercise, try taking a 15 min walk daily. If you want to change eating habits, try replacing one of your regular snacks with a healthy one. If you want to learn to meditate, start meditating for about 10 minutes daily. Whatever new habit you are going to develop, always start small. 

Do it early. If you’re going to exercise or meditate, do it early. Do it before you get to busy with your day before you get too tired. Do it while you’re fresh and before you forget about it.

Prepare yourself. If you’re going to meditate, have a quiet spot designated. If you’re going to eat a healthy snack, be sure that when you did your shopping you bought a supply. If you’re going to exercise (walk) have comfortable shoes and proper attire.

Make it convenient. If it’s too inconvenient, you’ll talk yourself out of doing it. For meditation, choose a time when you won’t be distracted.  For exercising, lay out your clothes the night before. For your healthy snack, have it prepared and waiting.

Make it fun. If you don’t enjoy doing something you’ll never stick with it. Now, meditation isn’t meant to be fun, but it can be pleasant. So be sure your meditation spot is clean and comfortable. Play some meditation music from YouTube to help keep you focused. If you’re walking outside, get a good friend to walk with you. You can also use a video from YouTube to do a one-mile walk to music right in your home. Those are really fun! And as for your healthy snack, be sure it tastes good.

Keep a record. You can keep a diary or use a calendar, but be sure to keep track every time you practice your new habit, and try not to skip any days. This keeps you accountable.

You may have other healthy habits that you want to develop, but these steps can help you with them. Set small goals. Do it early. Be prepared. Make it convenient. Make it fun. And keep a record as you develop your new healthy habit. Being healthy should be a lifestyle.

Be sure to give me some feedback and tell me your thoughts regarding this blog. Thanks much!

Knowledge Verses Wisdom

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Balanced Life Family,

Are you walking in wisdom, or do you just have knowledge? Let’s talk about knowledge verses wisdom.

Often you don’t know that you need wisdom until you’re faced with difficult decisions. When you have difficult decisions to make or problems to solve and you don’t know which way to turn or what to do, then you realize that you need wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to make wise decisions. The scripture says ..."be ye wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." Matthew 10:16

Sometimes you have knowledge but lack wisdom. Now you may ask, ”What’s the difference between wisdom and knowledge?”  You go to school, study, read books, listen to lectures, do research and so on to obtain knowledge. Knowledge comes from man. Wisdom comes from God. Knowledge is raw information, but wisdom knows how to use that information.

God gives wisdom liberally. He’s generous with giving wisdom according to his excellent greatness. The scripture says  "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."  James 1:5   “Upbraideth not” means he won’t get angry with you for asking.

God wants you to have wisdom, that’s why he provided the Word of God. Many people don’t realize that the Word actually is a book of wisdom. In it you’ll find the answer to every question you’ll ever have. God has chosen men and women to teach the Word, and he gives them the ability to explain it, so that it can be understood. After being taught, you must study and ask for wisdom, and God will give it.

So family, the point that I’m trying to make is, knowledge is good, you need it, but you need wisdom to go along with it.  Knowledge doesn’t do much good if you don’t know how to use it. I suggest that you be sure that you’re being taught the Word and study the book that is loaded with wisdom and knowledge, the Word of God,  and begin to WALK IN WISDOM!

How Do You Quench Your Thirst?

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Hey Balanced Life Family,

It’s the month of May and we’ve had a few warm days. Soon summer will be here and the temperature will be going up. Often times a big thirst comes along with the heat and you’ll have to watch out for liquid calories.

Why is it that when people get thirsty, they reach for a soda pop or juice? Soda is one of society’s favorite beverages and is loaded with sugar and empty calories. Sugar makes you fat and does many other harmful things to your body. Yes, it taste good, but you may notice that it usually doesn’t quench your thirst. It seems like the more you drink the more you want. Why? because sugar is addictive.

Now you may think that fruit juices are a healthier choice. Yes, they have vitamins and nutrients, but they’re loaded with calories from sugar too. An 8oz glass of orange juice has 5 teaspoons of sugar. An 8 oz. glass of apple juice has 6, and grape juice has 8. Wow! That’s a lot of sugar and sugar is not your friend.

Am I telling you to never drink sodas or fruit juices? Absolutely not! Drink them in moderation for your pleasure, but if you’re just thirsty, drink water. Water will quench your thirst and has zero calories and it also helps promote weight loss. It’s an energy booster and it helps make healthier looking skin. Water also helps avoid constipation and flushes toxins out of your body. Well, look at that!

So, we’re sheltered in place, summer is coming, and the temperature is going up. Don’t make a beeline to the fridge to get soda pops and juices to quench your thirst.

I suggest you watch those liquid calories and get the best thirst quencher in the world, God’s gift to everybody’s thirst, WATER!

Roller Coaster Faith


Hi Balanced Life Family,

I’m a roller coaster girl! I love the feeling that I get when I’m up high and then comes that sudden fast drop. Yikes! What a thrill! That’s amusement park fun, but your faith walk shouldn’t be like a roller coaster ride; up-down, up-down, believe doubt, believe doubt.

We’re all aware of the uncertain times in which we now live. So much bad news from the media hits us daily, but we can’t allow this to cause our faith to waver. The Word of God speaks about this kind of up-down roller coaster faith. James 1:6-7 “For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he should receive anything of the Lord.”

How can you expect to receive anything from God when you’re afraid to trust him. I don’t care what you’re hearing on the news, God wants you to trust him completely because he never fails. Remember that song we used to sing, “God Never Fails”? Well, singing is one thing, trusting and believing is another.

Many people have no problem believing at first. That’s when their faith is up. If what they’re believing doesn’t manifest within a certain short period of time, they start to doubt. That’s when their faith goes down. Yes, we’ve been sheltered for weeks. Yes, the number of people who have tested positive for the Coronavirus is growing. Yes, many people are dying! But keep your faith in God up. Believe he will deliver! Believe that he cares for you and will take care of you. Believe that he’s working things out for your good.

Belief followed by doubt is unstable thinking. “A double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways.” James 1:8 God doesn’t want you to be unstable. He wants you to be steadfast and unmovable. You can trust him. He’s the all-powerful, almighty, no failure God. You’ve got to believe this as you journey on your faith walk. Don’t be defeated by fear and doubt from the devil. Have faith in God. Wait patiently on him because he never fails and GET OFF OF THE ROLLER COASTER!

Be sure to drop me a line and let me know what you think.

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

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Balanced Life Family,

It’s my prayer that you’re hanging in there through this pandemic time. Don’t let news reports of tragedy and sickness keep you awake at night. Your body needs time to rest. Sleep helps you to be your very best and it also makes it easier for people who have to interact with you. If you find yourself being cranky, having short patience or a temper that flares up easily, the cause could be a lack of sleep.

I love people and I consider myself to be pretty friendly, but when I’m sleep deprived, (here comes a true confession) I really don’t want to be bothered with anyone. The cheerful, patient person that you’d expect me to be suddenly disappears when I haven’t had enough sleep.

Now that everybody’s life has been changed and we are under the sheltering order, this is a great time to improve your sleeping habits.

Experts say to get quality sleep, it’s important to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day so that your body gets used to a routine. They also say that teenagers require 8.5 to 9.5 hours of sleep per night and most adults need 7 to 9 hours. Who’s getting that?

Honestly, before the sheltering order, I tried to get 7 to 8 hours per night, but it was difficult. I’d hit and miss it because it seemed like bedtime always came before I was finished doing everything I had to do. Now, I don’t have that problem and I wake up in the morning feeling rested and ready to start the day.

When you don’t get enough sleep it shows. Your memory isn’t as sharp and your energy level is low. Sometimes you’ll doze at the wheel while driving, and some of you have taken unauthorized naps while at work. Don’t take this lightly. REST IS A NECESSITY! Without proper rest the human body will eventually break down. Balanced Family, many of you know that you are sleep deprived and you just ignore it. Don’t ignore the signs!

A lack of sleep spills over to your spiritual life as well. You don’t feel like praying or studying your Bible. You can’t stay awake long enough to meditate, and even when you could go to church (you know, before sheltering) you were simply so tired, you didn’t feel like being there.

So, if you’re sleep deprived, why not use this period in your life to improve your sleeping habits. This sheltering isn’t going to last always. Eventually, you’ll be getting back to your life. Make sleep a priority and figure out a way to implement proper rest into your life on the other side of the COVED 19 shelter in place order.

Please feel free to send comments to let me know how you feel and what your thoughts are regarding this blog.


Don't Fear! God is in Control


Greetings Balance Family Members,

I pray that all is well with you at this time. Life as we’ve known it has changed for everyone. The Coronavirus has attacked the lives of many people throughout the world. As we turn on the television, we are hearing that the virus is continually spreading and will most definitely get worse before it gets better.

I greet you with a word of peace, to remind you, that none of this is a surprise to our Father God. Don’t fear! God is in control. As people of God, you must use wisdom. You should practice social distancing, wash your hands often, stay home as much as possible, cough into your elbows, and try not to touch your face so much, however YOU SHOULD NOT LIVE IN FEAR!

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7  Fear comes from the devil. Don’t let him use the Coronavirus to strike fear into your heart. Use the power, love, and sound mind that God has given you to resist him. This is the time to exercise your faith and trust God. Don’t be foolish and tempt God. Use wisdom and trust him.

God has promised to never leave or forsake his people. And the good news is that the promises of God are sure. He’ll never go back on his promises. Yes, there is great affliction in the land. The pain and suffering is real, but the people of God have his promise. “There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.” Psalm 91:10  If your trust is in God, you don’t have to live in fear.  TRUST GOD, HE IS IN CONTROL!

Why Drink Water?

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Hey Balanced Life Family!

 Are you thirsty? How many glasses of water did you drink today?  I’m not talking about juice, or soda pop or various other beverages, I’m talking about water. I’m suggesting that you drink the best thirst quencher in the world. God’s gift to your thirst, WATER! God has created this thirst quenching gift especially for us and we need it to survive. Water is essential to your health. Do you realize how many benefits water provides to your body?

Water helps promote weight loss.  Now, water doesn’t work magically to help you reduce weight. It’s not a magic potion, although that would be really cool if it were. But, if you drink proper amounts of water you won’t feel the need to overeat. Try drinking a glass before a meal. It helps to fill you up. I’ve heard that a lot of people mistake thirst for hunger and they eat more than they need. Also, the body tends to store more fat when it has not been properly hydrated.

Water is also an energy booster. Some people reach for coffee or some sugary drink when they feel their energy fading. Hear me scream, “DON’T DO IT!” Those drinks tend to give you a quick burst of energy and then you’ll crash and you’ll feel sluggish again. Water is an all-natural safe energy drink.

Do you want to look younger and have healthier-looking skin?  Drink plenty of water, it nourishes your skin. Water flushes out toxins, hydrates your insides and shows up on the outside making a lovelier you. Now, look at that, you almost got a slight facelift for free!

Family, let me tell you, constipation is no joke! I know this is not a popular subject for discussion, you may not want to talk about it, but it sure is important. Water will hydrate the colon and cause waste materials to pass smoothly through your system. Just the thought of constipation should make you stampede your way to the nearest water reservoir.

Most healthy adults get enough water by following their thirst. I can’t tell you exactly how many glasses you should drink a day because the exact amount you need depends on your size, level of activity, the weather and your health. So listen to your thirst. Don’t be so quick to drink some alternative drink. DRINK WATER! It’s odorless, colorless and tasteless, but it’ll do your body good.

Are You A Thief?

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Balanced Life Family,

Are you a thief? Do you steal??? Your first response, if you are a Christian, should be, “of course not”. Let’s look at the scripture. Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Malachi 3:8    

As Christians we are required to pay tithes. The word tithe means one-tenth. That means that one-tenth of your pay check belongs to God. Actually, it all belongs to him, but he requires us to give one tenth back. Then there is your offering, but we’ll talk about offering in another blog. Let’s concentrate on tithing for now.

Often times, people don’t have a problem paying tithes when they don’t make a lot of money, but when that check starts growing, the tithing obligation does as well. That’s when the devil begins to tell you to “Use your head and be reasonable”. “Are you really going to pay 7, 8, 9 hundred dollars in tithes???” “You need that money.”

You must remember that ten percent doesn’t even belong to you. That’s only ten cents out of a dollar, but if you spin it, you’re a thief. You’re robbing God!

Don’t let the devil fool you. You can’t afford NOT to pay tithes. Read Malachi 3:9  Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. He’s speaking of those who fail to tithe. That means you won’t receive the blessings that a tither would receive, so don’t even look for them. You’ll be cursed with a curse. If you pay tithes he says that he will open the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. Malachi 3:10 That means you’ll have more than enough.

So don’t let the devil fool you. Don’t be a thief. Don’t rob God. Pay your tithes!                               






Hey Balanced Life Family,

Can you think of anything better than a contagious laugh that you absolutely can’t control? I’ve laughed so hard that tears have streamed down my face. I’ve laughed so hard I had to roll on the floor to get relief. That was quite a sight to see. Glad you didn’t witness that. Laughter can be awesome and it also has some long term health benefits.

Researchers have discovered that laughter can lower your chance of a heart attack. And laughter also boosts heart rate and the production of certain antibodies, which strengthens our immune system. Laughter has also been said to lower your blood pressure. Just as getting upset (“blowing your stack”) can cause your blood pressure to rise, laughter can cause it to lower.

Want a quick work out? Laughter can work out the diaphragm, abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg and back muscles and you’ll be so tickled you won’t even be thinking about exercise.

Laughter can certainly improve your mood. Now tell me, how can you remain angry, when a truly serious laughing spell hits. Impossible!

So if you’re feeling stressed out, you need a dose of laughter. It will definitely reduce your stress level. There’s plenty to laugh about. A good clean joke, a funny movie, a hilarious experience, and sometimes we just have to laugh at ourselves.

Here are some inspirational quotes that I found on laughter:

It has been said that a good laugh is sunshine in the house.

A good laugh is cheap medicine.

An optimist laughs to forget; a pessimist forgets to laugh.

As soap is to the body, so laughter is to the soul

In this world, a good time to laugh is any time you can.

Laughter ignites a fire within the pit of your belly and awakens your being.

A smile starts on the lips, a grin spreads to the eyes, a chuckle comes from the belly; but a good laugh burst forth from the soul, and bubbles all around.

Laughter won’t make your problems go away, but it will sure give you a little relief and a better disposition so that you can deal with them. So come on, stop stressing so much. Loose that “stone face” expression. Where’s your sense of humor? You can do it. You’ll feel better. LAUGH!



Pressing Pass the Pain

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Happy New Year Balanced Life Family!

Last year I wrote a blog on forgiveness. Some of you have requested that I write a blog that tells how to get pass the pain and be healed, so that forgiveness can be experienced. Well, the truth is you’ll never get pass the pain until you forgive. If you’re unable to forgive, your heavenly father won’t forgive you. “But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Matthew 6:15

You must make a decision with a commitment up front that you refuse to continue living with this pain. The pain won’t just disappear on its own. You’ve got to decide to take the necessary steps to get rid of the pain or you’ll NEVER be healed and able to move on. Now this may take longer than a one day session, but take your time and go through each of the following steps until you get deliverance.

After making that decision, go in prayer. Find a place that you can be alone with God and pour out to him all the hurt and pain that you are experiencing. He knows all about it, but when you vent, he’s there to listen. Cry out to him! “The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth and delivereth them out of all their troubles.” Psalm 34:17  Next, start praying a sincere prayer of forgiveness, for the person or people that offended you. Don’t say you can’t do it. You MUST do it. Ask God to help you. If you need to find the person or people that offended you and forgive them in person do that.  

After you have wholeheartedly forgiven the one who caused the pain, focus on the present. “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we (I) will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24  It’s time to let go of the past and stop reliving it in your mind. There’s nothing you can do to change the past. Just work on making today one of the best days of your life. When you focus on the present you have less time to think about the past. When those thoughts come creeping back in to your mind to steal your joy and peace, speak the Word, Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” As you speak it over yourself, trust it, believe it. Let it manifest in your life. There’s power in the Word of God.

Finally, as you are focusing on the present, speaking the Word over yourself, trusting  it, believing it and letting  it manifest in your life, you are ready to step into the present and leave the pain of the past behind. This is a new year. I encourage you to get pass the pain and get ready to live some of the best days of your life.



Turmeric (Curcumin) A Superfood


Happy New Year Balanced Life Family,

Let’s start the new year off with something that can possibly change your life for the better. If you are suffering from arthritis pain, stiffness, brain fog, digestive or heart problems, maybe this information can help.

In the past few years turmeric, which is curcumin, has become known as one of the most powerful superfoods.  Would you believe that it has been around for ages? Only recently medical experts have started to research this magical plant, for its medicinal power. And get this, even doctors have started to prescribe turmeric to their patients for its natural healing properties.

If you decide to take turmeric, you’ve got to know what to look for. Look for these 4 things:

1) BioPerine - It’s extremely important! Why? Because curcumin, which is the main property of turmeric, is hard to absorb. BioPerine enhances the rate of absorption by 30% or more.

2) Check potency (how many mg. of turmeric powder and extract is included)

3) Made in the USA

4) No high levels of lead.

Many companies will bottle an ineffective form of turmeric, practically curcumin-free, and sell it to you, but the benefits that it claims to have are false. Simply read the label and don’t buy cheap turmeric power.

Turmeric has so many health benefits, that’s why I’m so excited about sharing this information with you. The experts are saying that turmeric curcumin possesses the ability to support joint comfort, heart health, and brain function. They are also saying that it has the ability to improve your digestive system, mobility, flexibility, overall body comfort and more.

I can’t guarantee that turmeric will work for everyone, but if you are suffering with any of these conditions I’ve listed, it’s certainly worth a try.  Many are calling it, “one of the most powerful superfoods”. I take turmeric in capsule form daily to improve my health. But as always, I advise you to check with your health care professional before you take it. Turmeric, it could possibly change your life for the better.