Spectacular Spice - Cinnamon


Balanced Life Family,

Yaaaaay! Found a spice that is so tasty and is good for you too. It’s one of the healthy spices on the planet. It’s cinnamon! While this spice can be used in and on many foods to enhance the flavor, it also has many benefits for health and wellness.

Check out this list of benefits:

1.    Controls blood sugar                          6. Helps lower bad cholesterol

2.    Reduces risk of heart disease           7. Helps promote healthy teeth

3.    Boost brain function                          8. Helps keep your breath fresh                     

4.    Supplies Fiber                                      9. Helps fight colds

5.    Helps Decrease Inflammation         10. Helps improve skin

There are two kinds of cinnamon, cassia and Ceylon. Cassia is cheaper and more popular. Ceylon is known as true cinnamon and is not usually found in your local grocery store. It smells and taste sweeter, and is recommended for better health benefits.

Who wouldn’t want to sprinkle some cinnamon into a drink or on some food. Personally, I love to add cinnamon to hot cinnamon apple tea. I love the taste of cinnamon on a baked sweet potato. Cinnamon can also be added to hot chocolate, oatmeal, toast, apples, peaches, chili and so on.

You can think up other foods that you can add cinnamon to. Use your imagination. Cinnamon taste great and has many health benefits. It’s that SPECTACULAR  SPICE – CINNAMON!

Be sure to talk to your health care provider before using excessive cinnamon for health benefits to see if it’s right for you.