Roller Coaster Ride

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My Balanced Life Family,

Your faith walk shouldn’t be like a roller coaster ride; up, down, up down, believe, doubt, believe, doubt. Get off of the roller coaster ride! This is known as wavering faith. According to the scripture found in James 1:6 & 7 “For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.”

How can you expect to receive anything from God when you’re afraid to trust him? God wants you to trust him completely because he never fails. You’ve got to do more than just sing “ God Can Do Anything But Fail”. (Remember that song?) Singing is one thing. Trusting and believing is another.

Some of you have no problem believing at first, but if what you’re believing doesn’t manifest within a certain short period of time, you start to doubt. Where does that doubt come from? Satan! That’s his job to get you to doubt God.  As doubt eases its way into your mind, you find yourself with a double mind. You believe and then you doubt. Up, down, it’s just like a roller coaster ride. Stop it, because the next step is total disbelief.     ” A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”  James1:8 

God doesn’t want you to be unstable. He wants you to be steadfast and unmovable. You can trust him. He’s the all-powerful, almighty, no failure God. You’ve got to believe this as you journey on your faith walk. Don’t be defeated by the devil. Have faith in God. Wait patiently on him because he never fails and GET OFF OF THE ROLLER COASTER RIDE!