When Fear Knocks

Hello My Balance Life Readers,

“For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

There’re so many things that we have to deal with in life and some of them can be pretty scary.

Being in good health is something we all desire, but when the doctor gives us a seriously bad report, fear knocks at the door. It’s easy to allow fear in, but don’t do it. You may have to make some health changes, but do it and have faith in God. We are His children. He created these bodies and he’s in control. He doesn’t want us to fear. Fear is a spirit and it doesn’t come from God.

What if you go to work one day and suddenly, you’re presented with that little pink slip that tells you that your services are no longer needed on that job? You’ve been a good employee, but they’re letting you go. Perhaps your heart begins to race as you think, “How am I going to survive?” Then fear knocks at the door and tries to creep in. But instead of letting fear come in and take over try trusting God. God allowed you to get that job, he certainly can open a door that will lead to another.

Sometimes we find that we have more bills than we have money. We try to stretch the money, but we can’t see how the bills are going to get paid. Once again fear is knocking at the door. Will you let it in? Even when the situation seems impossible, you can’t let fear in. “ The earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” Psalm 24:1 God has your resources. Believe!

It may be that things are not going well with your family. It could be a problemed child, an unfaithful spouse, meddling relatives, or something else. You never dreamed your life would be like this. It may seem that your happy home is turning upside down. Fear starts knocking at the door. You must refuse to let it in. Trust God! “…let your request be made known unto God. And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7.

So, what am I saying? In summary, when FEAR knocks, don’t be afraid. Answer the door with your faith!


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