Plan to Live Long and Enjoy Life

Hello Balanced Life Family,

Most of us want to live a long life but we don’t want to feel old, feeble, and sickly. We want to be able to enjoy our life and have good mental and physical health.

None of us know how long we’ll live, but while we’re here we should take precautions to be as healthy as we possibly can. The Word of God tells us that God wants us to be in health so let’s strive towards that.

There are some things in life that we can’t control. Some people come into this life with health challenges and some come with completely healthy bodies, but regardless of that, there are things we can do to improve our health.

We go to the doctor when we’re sick and they give us treatment for the sickness. Why not do as much as we can to prevent sickness so that we won’t have to go to the doctor as often seeking a cure?

Let’s be mindful to be kind to these bodies God has given us. Let’s not load up on foods that we know are harmful to us. Let’s stop depriving ourselves of the proper rest we need. Why not start exercising on a regular basis? Let’s avoid as much stress and anxiety as possible. Why not decide to forgive and not hold a grudge? Let’s start cherishing good healthy relationships and get rid of those that aren’t. Let’s declare every day as good and be grateful that things are as well as they are. Let’s plan to live long and enjoy life.

These may seem like minor things, but scientific research has found that these are the kinds of things that actually will help you to live longer and improve your health.

We acknowledge that our life is in God’s hands. We don’t know the number of our days, but while we’re here let’s do our best to adopt a healthy lifestyle so that we can enjoy the years we have.


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