A Sinner Saved By Grace?

Greetings Balanced Life Family,

Have you ever heard a Christian say that he/she is a sinner saved by grace? I have. Honestly speaking, that is one label that I refuse to put on myself. I can’t identify with that. Yes, I was a sinner, but God saved me and changed my life. I am no longer a sinner and I refuse to identify myself as one, even when you tack on that ending “saved by grace”.

The nature of a sinner is to sin. Am I saying that I’ve never committed sin since I’ve been saved? That’s not what I’m saying! As long as we’re in a human body we are likely to commit sin, but we don’t have a sinful nature.

The difference between a saved person and a sinner, when it comes to committing sin, is that when a saved person commits a sin, he will repent and not willfully keep repeating that sin. A saved person’s nature is to please God.

Since we no longer willfully sin, we are no longer sinners. We are free to live a holy lifestyle. “If the Son therefore, shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed”. John 8:36 You can’t be a sinner and be saved at the same time. It’s like trying to have darkness and light occupy the same space at the same time. Impossible! When light comes darkness must flee. When salvation comes that sinful nature must flee.

We’re saved by faith through grace. “Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin live any longer therein?” Romans 6:1&2. Christians don’t live in sin.

Don’t label yourself as a sinner when you know that Jesus has saved you and changed your life. A sinner saved by grace? Absolutely not!

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