A Cheerful Giver

Hello Balanced Life Family,

All of us have something to give. Giving is providing, supplying, making available, or supporting. There are many ways to give. But the important thing is how we give. God knows our motive for giving. We should be sure that when we give, it comes from a cheerful heart. Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35 That’s good news if your motive is right.

If you give your time attending church services and you’re wishing that you were someplace else, that’s unacceptable to God. If you’re checking your watch hoping the preacher will hurry and end his sermon, you should have stayed home. God doesn’t give a “Gold Star of Attendance” just because you showed up. You should be glad to be in the service. Where’s that cheerful attitude?

If you spend your time doing the work of a missionary, going to visit the sick, cleaning their homes, cooking for them, running errands, or visiting them in the hospital, and your attitude is bad, God isn’t pleased. Sick people already feel bad. Don’t make them feel worse. Show up with a cheerful disposition.

Perhaps when you give your financial donations you complain about how the Pastor is always begging for money. Or maybe you really don’t want to give, but you want to be seen giving. You have a smile on your face, but you’re grumbling in your heart. God looks on the heart of man. He knows your motive for giving and if it doesn’t come from a cheerful heart there’s no blessing in it. “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

God has great blessings in store for the cheerful giver. He never runs out of blessings. So, remember when giving your time, service, or financial donations, do it with a cheerful heart and receive God’s blessings.


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