God Gave You A Present

Greetings Balanced Life Family,

Do you realize that God gave you a present and it’s precious? No one else could give it to you. He not only gave it to you but he’s also given it to everyone whether they love him or not. This present is called “today”. Yes! Every “today” that you have is a gift from God. That could be why we call today “the present”.

Let me encourage you to treasure each day and live it to the fullest. Use each day to accomplish something positive. Don’t waste your day being sad, angry, discouraged, and ungrateful. “This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 God is good and we have so much to be grateful for.

Realize that every day is a good day. Wake up in the morning and declare your good day out loud. Speak it or yell it if you have to. Words have power. Put those powerful words into the atmosphere and live out what you’ve declared.

This declaration doesn’t guarantee that nothing bad will ever happen that day. You can’t control the events of the day, but you can control how you react to them. Don’t get upset and out of sorts. Remember who’s in control of all things. Remember the scripture “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God…” Romans 8:28 As long as you stay with God, even the bad things will work out for your good because God is in control, you belong to him and he loves you.

So, don’t waste your present. Treasure it because it’s precious, priceless, and given to you by God.


New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational and health blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at getsomebalancenow@gmail.com I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.


Healthy Eating on a Friendly Budget

Hey Balanced Life Family,

You probably want to eat a healthy diet, but you don’t want to spend an arm and a leg doing it. I’m going to give you a few tips for healthy eating on a friendly budget.

When you go to the grocery store always plan ahead. Without a plan, a good percentage of the food you buy may end up in the garbage. Know what meals and snacks you’ll be eating that week and the ingredients you’ll need to make them. Be sure to include fruits, vegetables, protein, and whole grains at the top of your list.

Don’t hold back on coupons and reward programs. Grocery stores often have reward programs and memberships that provide discounts and savings for things you already shop for. Check your store’s weekly flyer for discounts. And if you prefer digital, there are plenty of apps that will help you earn cashback and savings at the grocery store.

It doesn’t hurt to go generic sometimes. Store brands often have the same ingredients and nutritional value as their brand-name counterparts and they cost less.

Have you noticed that frozen fruits and veggies cost less than those that are fresh? They are picked and frozen at their peak of ripeness which causes them to hang on to their nutritional value longer. What’s really great is that they won’t turn rotten because they’ve been forgotten. (That’s a cute little saying that’s easy to remember.) 😊

Even when you plan your meals carefully you may end up with some leftovers. Don’t throw them away. Get creative with them. Leftover veggies can be used as a side dish with another meal, in soups, or even in stir-fries. You can do the same with proteins. You don’t want to throw hard-earned money in the garbage.

These are just a few things to keep in mind the next time you go to the grocery store. I hope they’ll help you to create a friendly budget while making healthy food choices.  


New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational and health blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at getsomebalancenow@gmail.com I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.


Don't Fight Back!

Hey Balanced Life Family,

When someone treats you badly, is your first impulse to retaliate by treating them badly? Do you feel like it’s only natural to get even? Well, that may be natural and the nature of those who have not been born again, but God has provided us with a new nature. It’s not governed by the natural, it’s governed by the Spirit.   

There was a time when people lived by the law that permitted, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. That meant that you had a right to get even with someone who had done something wrong or evil to you. But God changed all of that. The scripture tells us in Romans 12:17 “Recompense to no man evil for evil.”

Yes, in life you’ll be mistreated. Yes, it’ll seem unfair, but don’t fight back. Just because you don’t fight back doesn’t mean that you’re weak. It takes strength to trust God to handle it. When we accept Jesus as our Savior and turn our lives over to God, we’re God’s responsibility. We don’t have to get revenge. Check the scripture. It tells us in Romans 12:19 “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

If you decide to fight back, God won’t fight alongside you. He’ll step back and let you handle it and you’ll make a mess of it. If you trust God and allow Him to handle it, he’ll work things out for your good, and you won’t even have to break a sweat.

I’m not saying that you should never speak up for yourself. I’m not saying that you should let people walk all over you. I’m saying that it’s wrong to think up evil ways to get even with someone who has done you wrong.

It’s important that we remember that the world is watching. They’re expecting to see something different in our lives because we are Christians. So, show them something different, something better. Practice temperance! Let God handle it! Don’t fight back!


New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational and health blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at getsomebalancenow@gmail.com I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.

Your Breath is Powerful

Hey Balanced Life Family,

Take a deep breath in. Now slowly let it out. Repeat this a few times and you may notice a difference in how you feel already. Your breath is a powerful tool to ease stress and make you feel less anxious. Simple breathing exercises can make a big difference if you make them part of your regular routine.

Breathing in for a count of four and out for a count of eight for about 60 seconds can start to calm your nervous system. Remember to try this when you feel angry, anxious, irritated, or nervous.  

The experts say controlled breathing can cause physiological changes that include:

1.    lowering blood pressure and heart rate

2.    reduced levels of stress hormones in the blood

3.    balanced levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood

4.    improved immune system function

5.    increased physical energy

6.    increased feelings of calm and well-being

Look at that! A short breathing exercise can be effective in the moment, but making a daily practice a few times during the day could condition you for better health over the long run.

Listen! I take my blood pressure at home and it’s usually good. When I go to the doctor, they take it and it’s usually high. So, I started doing breathing exercises at home and right before my pressure was taken during my doctor’s visit, and it hasn’t been high since. WOW! I was so surprised that this really worked for me.

Now, I’m remembering to take a few breaks throughout the day to do breathing exercises. I even do one at night before I fall asleep. It has really been helpful to me.

If you have a smartphone you can probably find a free app that will help you time your breathing exercises.  

When you’re feeling anxious, or stressed, or you’re about to have your blood pressure taken, why not try a breathing exercise and see if it works for you? Your breath is powerful.


New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational and health blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at getsomebalancenow@gmail.com I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.

The Power of Your Testimony

Greetings Balanced Life Readers,

True testimonies are powerful. There are things that have happened in our lives that only God could have brought us through. These things seemed impossible to get through, yet we made it.

Life is unpredictable and full of surprises. We are Christians and our faith must be tested. You’ve heard it before, “No test, no testimony”. We have trials and tests to go through. Going through isn’t fun, but there is so much joy when you come out with the victory.

Do you realize that victory isn’t for you alone? With victory comes experience and a testimony. Your testimony is to inspire, enlighten, and encourage others. That’s why you must share it.

Jesus said to a man after he had healed him “Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee and hath had compassion on thee. Mark 5:19

There’s always someone who is going through or will in the future go through the same experience you had. Sharing your testimony will inspire them and give them so much hope. It reminds them how powerful God is and how mindful he is of his people.

Going through trials and tests can get pretty rough. Sometimes it gets so dark we can’t see our way out. Just hearing how God has brought someone else out is like shining a beacon of light into that dark place. It’s like throwing a lifeline to someone who’s sinking. It’s a powerful boost and gives them the courage to hold on.

Sharing your testimony also gives glory to God. He’s the one who causes us to triumph and we owe him thanks. “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57

I’ve been inspired, enlightened, and encouraged by powerful testimonies.  If God has done a humanly impossible something in your life, don’t be afraid to share it with others. There’s power in your testimony.


New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational and health blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at getsomebalancenow@gmail.com I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.


How To Relieve Gas

Hi Balanced Life Family,

The holidays are approaching and that means family feasting for many of you. There are, however, a variety of foods that can cause gas. It can also be caused by swallowing air or the breakdown of foods in the large intestine. Having gas can be embarrassing. The good news is there are some things you can do to relieve it.

If you find yourself burping frequently you may be swallowing too much air. You need to eat and drink more slowly. Cutting down on gum chewing and carbonated drinks can help as well. Swallowing too much air can also be caused by something as minor as loose-fitting dentures.  If you wear dentures, ask your dentist to make sure they fit correctly.

Certain ingredients in foods can cause gas.  Read the label. Look for sugar alcohols such as sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol found in sugar-free candies and gum. High-fructose corn syrup can lead to this issue. Many adults are lactose intolerant and dairy products cause them to have gas. If that’s the case there are pills or drops you can take or consider reducing dairy intake.

Various things cause gas in different people. Sometimes you simply have to write down the things that you’ve eaten to determine the cause. Looking over the list may help you to discover which foods are causing the problem and you can limit your intake of them.  

Oh, how some of us, including myself, love sweets! Did you know that carbohydrates can give you gas? Your stomach and small intestine don’t fully digest some carbs. This can create methane gas or hydrogen sulfide in the large intestine, which is that nasty odor you smell when gas is passed. Cutting down on sweets can help.

I’m hoping these few suggestions are helpful because nobody likes to be embarrassed. As always, I advise you to check with your healthcare professional before taking any pills or drops as mentioned in this blog.


New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational and health blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at getsomebalancenow@gmail.com I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.


When Fear Knocks

Hello My Balance Life Readers,

“For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

There’re so many things that we have to deal with in life and some of them can be pretty scary.

Being in good health is something we all desire, but when the doctor gives us a seriously bad report, fear knocks at the door. It’s easy to allow fear in, but don’t do it. You may have to make some health changes, but do it and have faith in God. We are His children. He created these bodies and he’s in control. He doesn’t want us to fear. Fear is a spirit and it doesn’t come from God.

What if you go to work one day and suddenly, you’re presented with that little pink slip that tells you that your services are no longer needed on that job? You’ve been a good employee, but they’re letting you go. Perhaps your heart begins to race as you think, “How am I going to survive?” Then fear knocks at the door and tries to creep in. But instead of letting fear come in and take over try trusting God. God allowed you to get that job, he certainly can open a door that will lead to another.

Sometimes we find that we have more bills than we have money. We try to stretch the money, but we can’t see how the bills are going to get paid. Once again fear is knocking at the door. Will you let it in? Even when the situation seems impossible, you can’t let fear in. “ The earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” Psalm 24:1 God has your resources. Believe!

It may be that things are not going well with your family. It could be a problemed child, an unfaithful spouse, meddling relatives, or something else. You never dreamed your life would be like this. It may seem that your happy home is turning upside down. Fear starts knocking at the door. You must refuse to let it in. Trust God! “…let your request be made known unto God. And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7.

So, what am I saying? In summary, when FEAR knocks, don’t be afraid. Answer the door with your faith!


New Readers: If you would like to have an inspirational blog and a health blog sent to your email monthly, please send your email address to me at getsomebalancenow@gmail.com I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.

Plan to Live Long and Enjoy Life

Hello Balanced Life Family,

Most of us want to live a long life but we don’t want to feel old, feeble, and sickly. We want to be able to enjoy our life and have good mental and physical health.

None of us know how long we’ll live, but while we’re here we should take precautions to be as healthy as we possibly can. The Word of God tells us that God wants us to be in health so let’s strive towards that.

There are some things in life that we can’t control. Some people come into this life with health challenges and some come with completely healthy bodies, but regardless of that, there are things we can do to improve our health.

We go to the doctor when we’re sick and they give us treatment for the sickness. Why not do as much as we can to prevent sickness so that we won’t have to go to the doctor as often seeking a cure?

Let’s be mindful to be kind to these bodies God has given us. Let’s not load up on foods that we know are harmful to us. Let’s stop depriving ourselves of the proper rest we need. Why not start exercising on a regular basis? Let’s avoid as much stress and anxiety as possible. Why not decide to forgive and not hold a grudge? Let’s start cherishing good healthy relationships and get rid of those that aren’t. Let’s declare every day as good and be grateful that things are as well as they are. Let’s plan to live long and enjoy life.

These may seem like minor things, but scientific research has found that these are the kinds of things that actually will help you to live longer and improve your health.

We acknowledge that our life is in God’s hands. We don’t know the number of our days, but while we’re here let’s do our best to adopt a healthy lifestyle so that we can enjoy the years we have.


New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational and health blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at getsomebalancenow@gmail.com I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.


A Cheerful Giver

Hello Balanced Life Family,

All of us have something to give. Giving is providing, supplying, making available, or supporting. There are many ways to give. But the important thing is how we give. God knows our motive for giving. We should be sure that when we give, it comes from a cheerful heart. Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35 That’s good news if your motive is right.

If you give your time attending church services and you’re wishing that you were someplace else, that’s unacceptable to God. If you’re checking your watch hoping the preacher will hurry and end his sermon, you should have stayed home. God doesn’t give a “Gold Star of Attendance” just because you showed up. You should be glad to be in the service. Where’s that cheerful attitude?

If you spend your time doing the work of a missionary, going to visit the sick, cleaning their homes, cooking for them, running errands, or visiting them in the hospital, and your attitude is bad, God isn’t pleased. Sick people already feel bad. Don’t make them feel worse. Show up with a cheerful disposition.

Perhaps when you give your financial donations you complain about how the Pastor is always begging for money. Or maybe you really don’t want to give, but you want to be seen giving. You have a smile on your face, but you’re grumbling in your heart. God looks on the heart of man. He knows your motive for giving and if it doesn’t come from a cheerful heart there’s no blessing in it. “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

God has great blessings in store for the cheerful giver. He never runs out of blessings. So, remember when giving your time, service, or financial donations, do it with a cheerful heart and receive God’s blessings.


New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational and health blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at getsomebalancenow@gmail.com I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.


Great News For Your Health

Hey Balanced Life Family,

I’m so excited to share with you something that can help make being healthy a lot easier. I’m always trying to give you information to encourage a healthy lifestyle, and now here’s something I found out about that I simply love. It’s an app called “Yuka”.

Yuka is a FREE mobile app that scans your food and cosmetic products and instantly tells you their impact on your health. No more time-consuming standing in the store isles reading food labels. Simply take your phone and scan the bar code. Yuka will take a picture of the product and tell you if it’s a bad, poor, good, or excellent choice.

It doesn’t matter if the product is a bad, poor, good, or excellent choice, it immediately tells you why. Not only that, but it will often recommend an alternative product. WOW! How cool is that? This will help you to make healthier food choices.

Yuka also helps with selecting safer deodorants, toothpaste, mouthwash, foot sprays, hair sprays, creams lotions, and makeup. The creators of Yuka say that they are 100% independent and are not influenced by any brands. They also say that their mission is to help consumers make better choices for their health and drive manufacturers to offer better products.

Now you’ll know what you’re buying in the blink of an eye. You can learn at a glance which products are good choices for you and those that aren’t. All you need is to have your cell phone handy. You may not dismiss every bad or poor product, but at least you’ll know not to use them so often. Knowledge is powerful. My goal is to empower you with tools to help give you a better life. So check it out!


New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational and health blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at getsomebalancenow@gmail.com I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.


Taking A Break

Dear Balanced Life Family,

I started writing blogs in 2017. I’ve written more than 100 blogs. Whew! (To God be the glory!) I hope that they’ve given you spiritual inspiration and enlightened you with health tips that’ll help to improve your lifestyle.

I’ll be taking a break for the summer. Part of staying healthy is knowing when to take a break. God doesn’t want us to be stressed out. I intend to resume posting 2 blogs monthly beginning in September. In the meantime, you can always visit my website at www.getsomebalance.com to read blogs that you may have missed or forgotten about. God has blessed my website and there’s a lot of information and inspiration there.

May God shower you with His blessings, surround you with His peace, and keep you by His power. Thank you for being a loyal reader. See you in September 2024!


Rockeal Jones

Trust God's Timing

Greetings Balanced Life Family,

Time is a strange thing. Sometimes it seems to move very slowly and sometimes very quickly. Sometimes it seems like we never have enough of it, then there are times when we seem to have too much of it. It all depends on what you need to do or have done with time.

There are goals we want to accomplish in life. There are things we want to possess. There are also changes we want to see come to pass. And these things we would like to have sooner rather than later.

We as Christians must remember that God has a good plan for our lives that will manifest in time. Ephesians 2:10 tells us “ For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them..” We have to learn to trust God’s timing.

The key element in trusting God’s timing is faith. If we believe that God is going to bring it to pass, even if it doesn’t happen right away, it won’t affect our faith in God. We won’t say “why God why or when God when”. We’ll keep believing and patiently waiting until it comes to pass.

When we pray and make our petition to God, we’ve got to trust that he will answer, not within our time frame, but within his. There’s no failure in him. “Behold I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: Is there anything too hard for me?” Jeremiah 32:27  NO! There’s nothing he can’t do. When our prayer isn’t answered immediately that’s not a sign that God isn’t going to do it. Sometimes he’s just telling us to wait.

It’s a known fact that you can’t hurry God. Wait on God’s time! You can wait patiently or impatiently. Being impatient torments you and shows a lack of faith. Don’t torment yourself. Have faith, wait patiently, and trust God’s timing because he’ll never be late.


New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational and health blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at getsomebalancenow@gmail.com I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.



How Common is Mental Illness?

Balanced Life Family,

We all should want to be mentally healthy. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Unfortunately, mental illness is pretty common in America. According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 50% of Americans will be diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder at some point in their lifetime. 

There are 10 common mental illnesses in America. They are Anxiety Disorder, Psychosis, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Panic Attack, Adjustment Disorder, Post Dramatic Stress Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Intellectual Disability.

Did you know that women are more likely to be diagnosed with this illness than men? (23% of women versus 16.9 percent of men) And here’s some news. The rate of mental illness is more than twice likely among young adults 18 to 25 than in people 50 and older.

We need to be aware that mental illness is real and is all around us. This is one reason why you hear so many reports of mass shootings, suicide, child abuse, murder, rape, and so on. If you or someone you know is suffering from any of the above disorders or illnesses, I encourage you to pray and get or help them get professional help.

God has blessed us with physicians that understand our bodies and what they go through. Don’t be afraid to go to them to seek help. Here’s the good news. Mental illness can be managed successfully and people do recover. I do advise you to pray first and ask God to lead you to a physician that will be kind, patient, and able to find the correct solution for you or your loved one. Yes, mental illness is real and it’s very common and should not be overlooked.

New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational and health blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at getsomebalancenow@gmail.com I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.

Can You Disappoint God?

Greetings Balanced Life Family,

Disappointment is something we have all experienced. If we weren’t disappointing someone, we were being disappointed by someone. But, is it possible to disappoint God? The definition of disappoint is “to fail to fulfill the hopes or expectations of someone”.

Truthfully, no one can disappoint God. God knows each one of us. He knows our strengths and our weaknesses. There’s nothing we can do, think, or say to disappoint him. We don’t have that kind of power. Before we entered this world, he knew every thought and action we’d have. God doesn’t put his hope and confidence in us, we are to put our hope and confidence in him.

God wants us to obey and be victorious. He wants us to succeed. When we fail, he wants us to repent and make a change. “The Lord is … not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9 God gave us the right to repent because he knew we’d mess up sometimes, but he’s not disappointed.

We can’t catch God off guard. We can’t surprise or shock him. Now keep in mind, that doesn’t give Christians the right to live any kind of life their flesh desires, because we can grieve God. Ephesians 4:30 says “And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.” No, you won’t disappoint God, but in the end, YOU will be greatly disappointed. So let’s do all that we can to please God with our lives. Put yourself in his will so that YOU are not disappointed in the end.

New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational and health blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at getsomebalancenow@gmail.com I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.

Understanding Hypertension (The Silent Killer)

Hello Balanced Life Family,

How many of you have high blood pressure? It’s also known as hypertension or the silent killer. Hypertension is a common condition in which the long-term force of blood against your artery walls is high enough to eventually cause health problems, such as heart disease.

Did you know that hypertension usually doesn’t have symptoms? That’s right! You can have it and not be aware of it. That’s why it’s important to check your blood pressure from time to time to be sure that it’s normal. The CDC reports that nearly half of the adults in the United States (47%) have hypertension and only about 1 in 4 have their condition under control.  

Your blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood your heart pumps and the amount of resistance to blood flow in your arteries. The more blood your heart pumps and the narrower your arteries are the higher your blood pressure.

When checking the reading of your blood pressure, you have 2 numbers. The number on top measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart beats. The bottom number measures the pressure in your arteries between beats.

You may want to know what is a normal blood pressure reading. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) readings below 120 for the top number and below 80 for the bottom number are considered normal.


If you check your blood pressure and your reading is higher than normal, don’t panic! Talk to your personal physician to be sure that your reading is accurate and follow his/her instructions. The good news is that hypertension can be controlled and, it’s good to be aware so that you can continue to prosper and be in good health.


New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational and health blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at getsomebalancenow@gmail.com I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.


Never Give Up!

Hello Balanced Life Family,

So many of us have loved ones that we are praying for. We want to see a change in their lives. It may be a child whose lifestyle is ungodly, a spouse who is hard to get along with, a friend who has an addiction, or it may be something else. Whatever the problem, I want to encourage you to never give up on them. Keep loving them and praying for them without supporting the wrong that they do. The scripture tells us to   “Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thess. 5:17

You may have been praying, hoping, and fasting for a long time, but never give up. I know sometimes it may seem like a hopeless situation, but God answers prayer. Here’s the thing that discourages so many people. God has his own time frame and you don’t know what it is. You may think this is a “right now” problem, but God knows the process that has to take place. Have faith! Trust God! Never give up!

You may feel like it’ll take a miracle to change him or her. Well, God specializes in miracles. Jesus said in Matthew 19:26 “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Read the story of Saul in the Bible, who persecuted the Church. Nobody thought he’d change, but God miraculously changed his life and used him to write almost half of the New Testament. (He wrote 13 books of the Bible.) His change came in Acts 9:1-6.

Your loved ones need your prayers. They may not be able to pray for themselves. They need you to never give up on them because God is faithful, and he answers prayer. It may have been a long time. You may be tired. It may seem impossible, but your miracle may be closer than you think. NEVER give up!

New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational and health blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at getsomebalancenow@gmail.com I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.

Safe Unthawing Methods

Hey Balanced Life Family,

Most of us aren’t vegetarian. We like to eat meat with our meals. Meat is a delicious and important part of the meal, but we want to be sure that it’s safe to eat.

If you’re planning dinner for tonight and you realize that the meat is still frozen, what should you do? Should you put it out on the counter to thaw, or run hot water on it to speed up the thawing process? Neither!

Both methods of thawing are unsafe and may lead to foodborne illness, according to the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service. As meat thaws, it should never become warmer than 40 degrees F, because that may allow bacteria to multiply. Even if the center of the meat is still frozen, the outer portion may be in the danger zone.

When thawing out meat, one of the best methods is to let it thaw out in the refrigerator where it will remain at a safe constant temperature of 40 degrees or below. Planning ahead is the key in this method because it takes about 24 hours, and that depends on the temperature of your fridge. Refrigerator thawing isn’t the only safe method. There are 2 other methods.

Another safe method is cold water thawing. Using cold water is a quicker method, but it requires more attention. Meat must be in a leak-proof bag or package, completely submerged in water, and the water must be changed every 30 minutes.

The third method, which is equally safe, can be done in the microwave. To unthaw in your microwave be sure to correctly use the defrost setting, or you’ll end up partially cooking your meat.

When using the latter 2 methods the USDA suggests that you cook the meat immediately after it thaws. So go ahead. Eat that meat. Enjoy your meal. Just be sure that if it was frozen, you’ve unthawed it properly.


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A Sinner Saved By Grace?

Greetings Balanced Life Family,

Have you ever heard a Christian say that he/she is a sinner saved by grace? I have. Honestly speaking, that is one label that I refuse to put on myself. I can’t identify with that. Yes, I was a sinner, but God saved me and changed my life. I am no longer a sinner and I refuse to identify myself as one, even when you tack on that ending “saved by grace”.

The nature of a sinner is to sin. Am I saying that I’ve never committed sin since I’ve been saved? That’s not what I’m saying! As long as we’re in a human body we are likely to commit sin, but we don’t have a sinful nature.

The difference between a saved person and a sinner, when it comes to committing sin, is that when a saved person commits a sin, he will repent and not willfully keep repeating that sin. A saved person’s nature is to please God.

Since we no longer willfully sin, we are no longer sinners. We are free to live a holy lifestyle. “If the Son therefore, shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed”. John 8:36 You can’t be a sinner and be saved at the same time. It’s like trying to have darkness and light occupy the same space at the same time. Impossible! When light comes darkness must flee. When salvation comes that sinful nature must flee.

We’re saved by faith through grace. “Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin live any longer therein?” Romans 6:1&2. Christians don’t live in sin.

Don’t label yourself as a sinner when you know that Jesus has saved you and changed your life. A sinner saved by grace? Absolutely not!

New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational and health blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at getsomebalancenow@gmail.com I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.




Signs That Say "You're Eating Too Much Sugar"

Hi Balanced Life Family,

Did you know that sugar is in practically everything that we eat? So even if you don’t stop by the bakery or snack on chocolate bars, you’re probably eating more sugar than you realize. Your body gives signs that tell you when you’re eating too much sugar.

One sign is craving sugar. When you’re eating or drinking sweet treats excessively, you’re constantly activating the reward center of your brain, making you want more. This causes a vicious cycle that can hook you on sweets. The more you get the more you want.

Feeling tired regularly? If you’re one of those people that reach for a sugary snack when you need a burst of energy, your body may be screaming “too much sugar”. You’ll probably get that burst of energy when the sugar hits your bloodstream, but since that sugar isn’t packaged with nutrients like protein or fiber, the blood sugar level drops, and then comes the crash. Now you’re feeling less alert, less focused, and more fatigued. This could be another sign.

If you notice you’re gaining weight, especially around the middle, that could be another sign. Snacking on sweets and eating processed foods causes weight gain. Processed food has a lot of added sugar to make it taste good. Instead eat more whole foods like fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans, and high fiber.

Some of you may be experiencing brain fog. which could be a sign that you’re consuming too much sugar. Too much makes you feel hazy, confused, and unfocused. Some people don’t even realize that they’ve been in a fog until they cut back on sugary treats and processed foods.

Do you have a problem with your complexion? Maybe your skin doesn’t glow and you have an acne problem. That could be a sign of too much sugar. Collagen keeps the skin supple and youthful. Excess sugar weakens the collagen and makes the skin look saggy and wrinkly.

Have trouble falling to sleep? Research shows that diets high in refined sugar are linked to poor-quality sleep. Eating a sugary treat before bedtime is not a good idea. When you have difficulty falling to sleep it keeps you from getting the physical restorative sleep that your body needs.

If you’re experiencing any of these signs, and you know that you consume an excessive amount of sugar or processed foods, please try cutting back. You may be surprised at the results you’ll get.


New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational and health blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at getsomebalancenow@gmail.com I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.



Your Tongue is a Weapon

Greetings Balanced Life Family,

Did you know that your tongue is a weapon? Yes, it is. It’s a weapon that can be used either for good or evil. Let’s explore this.

Some people use their tongue as a weapon for evil. They use it to retaliate when someone has offended them. That’s usually done in the heat of the moment. Things are said that are later regretted. Once the words come out of your mouth, they’re out there.

The tongue can speak lies, profanity, gossip, and it can degrade the character of others. All of these things are hurtful and the weapon used is the tongue. These things are spoken by a tongue that has not been tamed. The scripture tells us that “the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.” James 3:8 Only God can tame a tongue.

Now let’s see how your tongue can be used as a weapon for good. Your tongue can fight against evil. Use your tongue as a weapon to speak the Word of God. And when you speak it, you must believe it.

Speak a scripture of light into your dark situation. (John 8:12) Speak a scripture of confidence when you don’t know what to say. (Exodus 4:12) Speak a scripture of victory when you feel like you’re being defeated. (2 Cor. 4:8&9) Speak a scripture of praise when sadness comes your way. (Psalm 34:1) These are only a few ways to use your tongue as a weapon. Speak the Word of God, which will bring you victory.  

The scripture tells us that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue:” Proverbs 18:21 You have a powerful weapon in your possession. Use it for good! Speak victory!


New Readers: If you would like to have inspirational and health blogs sent to your email twice a month, please send your email address to me at getsomebalancenow@gmail.com I’d love to have you join our family of readers. Be sure to add this address to your email contacts to avoid it ending up in spam.